Services We Offer

You can make smart business decisions when you have access to the right information.

Monthly Bookkeeping

We manage your financials in both QuickBooks and your construction software. We'll handle accounts payable and receivable, payroll, reconciliations and review for real-time financials and job costing.

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Construction Software Integration with QuickBooks

We integrate QuickBooks and construction software together for a streamlined workflow from estimating to project management to bookkeeping.

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Catch Up Bookkeeping

We bring your financials up-to-date, reflecting accurate and verified financial data. You’ll be able to produce all financial reports confidently.

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Workflow Advisory Services

We produce customized step-by-step financial manuals that identify financial management and workflows, including staff responsibilities and utilization of QuickBooks and construction management software.

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Quickbooks Training

Learn to use, understand and confidently navigate QuickBooks Online with one-on-one or group training.

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24hr Bookkeeper staff

How We Make Your Life Easier

Let’s work smarter, not harder! We’ve got the know-how, the experience and the tools to help you focus on growing your business and making money. Get Started
24hr Bookkeeper staff

Frequently Asked Questions

We have several ways we collect information from clients ranging from online shared file folders, docs scanned to email, online fetching software or client provided credentials to online portals. We evaluate the best and easiest option for each client and are not specific to one over another.
There is never a good time to “stop the train” but we help create a reasonable timeline to implement new software and processes throughout the entire company, avoiding interference with daily operations and allows for a smooth transition.
We’ll update as far back as you need, even if you want to address a period that has already been filed with the IRS. We will also update individual project financials from the first day the project started. No project is too overwhelming no matter how in-depth the financials may be or how far back they go.
We train using screen sharing software. We avoid being cramped into a small space and work directly on our client’s computers as if we were side by side. We can also toggle back from our screens to our client's screens, which satisfies both training and the review of all financial information with our clients.
We will update company financials and project financials in both QuickBooks Online and your construction software. We update all project financials for accurate job costing and all company related financial related to overhead and projects.
We support all 3rd party construction software that integrate with QuickBooks. Examples include BuilderTrend, CoConstruct, RedTeam Software, simPRO and Knowify.